Workshop with Steeple, Gothic Windows and Shutters Aluminum Trim Color: Black, Floor: 10 x 14, Vinyl Siding Color: Classic Linen Reviews
Workshop w/ Steeple,Flowerbox,ColonialDoor,GothicWindowsShutters+- Black10 x 14- Classic linen Aluminum Trim Color: Black, Floor: 10 x 14, Vinyl Siding Color: Classic Linen Shed comes unpainted Be the first one on your block to flaunt a skyward reaching steeple atop your beautiful Wood Workshop. This backyard shed, offered in three different sizes of 8 x 12, 10 x 12 and 10 x 14, is nicely ornamented with two working 18 x 24 gothic windows and shutters. For additional beauty, neatly crafted flower boxes elegantly welcome the plant life of your choice. As you enter through the double colonial doors you will become inspired by your storage space and its limitless possibilities. Features: -Comes with Steeple, Flower box, Colonial Door, Gothic Windows and Shutters -All parts are precut and ready to assemble -2 working 18'' x 24'' windows with glass, grids, and shutters -4' double door with locking handle latch Specifications: -2 x 4 wood wall framing 16'' on center OC -2 x 4 trusses 24'' on center (OC) -6 High front and back walls Purchased separately: -Shingles -Dripedge (an aluminum piece that goes along the edge of the roof) -Fasteners -Floor (Purchase of floor with kit is highly recommended) -paint Customer is responsible to help unload the truck unless liftgate is ordered. The driver of the truck does not have to help unload. The individual pieces weigh 40-50 lbs for the smaller kits and 70-80 lbs for the larger kits.
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Feb 07, 2011 16:01:04
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